Where's Lady Veteran
(too old to reply)
2008-10-26 21:28:54 UTC
First time in a longgg time I have checked in here.

What has happened to LV, AKA Blobbie, Bobbi Sanchez, Lady Veteran.

For years she been harassing almost everyone who posts here. She has
exaggerated, created false stories, exhibited fits of rage, and
outright lied.

She has posted personal information about herself and then said others
were stalking her if they made reference to that info.

She made derogatory racist remarks and then claimed she didn't.

Told outrageous stories. Remembering the one about the Garand M1
rifle with a folding stock. Remembering her Alma Mater, the
security guard storefront training facility that she claimed as her
reputable four year university with prestigious credentials
Remembering how she took her arguments off-line and threatened other

There could be no better news that she is gone from here now. I do
recall that she was repeatedly advised to stay off of the Usenet.

In Usenet lingo she was spanked many times and kept coming back for
more. Looks like she finally learned her lesson.

The Master
2008-10-27 16:19:09 UTC
Post by Leo
What has happened to LV, AKA Blobbie, Bobbi Sanchez, Lady Veteran.
She comes back every once in a while. I'm sure it will warm her heart to
know that after that "long time" you say you have been away, you still
come back and remember her.
Post by Leo
For years she been harassing almost everyone who posts here. She has
exaggerated, created false stories, exhibited fits of rage, and
outright lied.
Really? I haven't felt harassed by her. Rather, it's the fat bashing
assholes that I feel harassed by. But then again, assholes have the
constitutional right to be assholes, so there ya go...
2008-10-27 21:45:46 UTC
On Mon, 27 Oct 2008 16:19:09 +0000, The Master
Post by The Master
Post by Leo
What has happened to LV, AKA Blobbie, Bobbi Sanchez, Lady Veteran.
She comes back every once in a while. I'm sure it will warm her heart to
know that after that "long time" you say you have been away, you still
come back and remember her.
Post by Leo
For years she been harassing almost everyone who posts here. She has
exaggerated, created false stories, exhibited fits of rage, and
outright lied.
Really? I haven't felt harassed by her. Rather, it's the fat bashing
assholes that I feel harassed by. But then again, assholes have the
constitutional right to be assholes, so there ya go...
My heart goes out to you because of your feelings of being harassed.
No doubt other sensitive boys also feel the same way.

However face the facts. It is a small part of the price you pay for
being an obnoxious lazy big oversized ass hole.

I am sure that you now and will in the future pay much larger
penalties for the condition brought about by your self-indulgence.

Oh Yes, TM, I remember now. You are one of those very few who kissed
up to LV and cheered her on.

