Post by AnthropyOn Fri, 20 Apr 2007 19:52:36 -0400, Drunken Driver
Post by Drunken DriverPost by AnthropyLOL, that's got to be one of the lamest justifications for gun
ownership yet. Give that boy a brain someone.
LMAO. You think making guns illegal is going to make the problem go
away, and you think someone else needs a brain?
You don't care that 32 young American students got slaughtered by
some jerk because he could buy his guns legally?
They didn't. They got slaughtered because the VT board voted to prohibit
personal carry of weapon permit holders to carry their defensive weapons onto
campus, thus creating a defenseless victim zone where such a nut could kill
people without them having a chance of shooting back. If you don't believe
this is significant, then show me a case where a nut-job such as this has
killed 32 people by shooting up a police station, a bar where cops hang out, a
hunting camp, or any other place where guns haven't been prohibited. You
can't. All these mass killings - Luby's Cafeteria, Littleton, Long Island
Railroad, the Amish school, etc. have been defenseless victim zones where
defensive carry of weapon was prohibited.
Post by AnthropyIf guns had been
illegal maybe he wouldn't have been able to purchase one so easily and
those 32 young students might still be alive today.
No, he'd likely have chained the doors shut, knocked over maybe 50 gallons of
prepositioned gasoline into the halls (at Littleton, the perpetrators had
pre-positioned _many_ bombs) lit it, and burned the entire building to the
ground with everyone in it.
Post by AnthropyOr what about the
NASA arsehole today who shot his hostage and himself?
How many more innocent people have to die in the US before you
gunloons grow some balls and stop hiding behind your guns all the
time. Just what are so terrified of?
Criminals, including rogue governmental criminals as well as the common
Dave Head