Having Endless Fun with our Two Inseparable Resident Nazi Fags, Dumb Heini and The Rectum! LOL
(too old to reply)
The Peeler
2013-07-19 18:08:38 UTC
On Fri, 19 Jul 2013 06:07:57 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
athletes participating in a certain event would be chosen not based on their
skills, but according to their race – let's say, Jews?
They only do that because they can't compete against humans.
LMAO!!! What a perfect case of PUREST projection on your part again, you
subhuman psychopathic non-achiever! LOL
Bozo to "The Rectum":
We've become your parents, huh, and just like your mother and father, we
just want to get rid of you too.
MID: <1348ae93-66a0-4a42-9cab-***@googlegroups.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-21 11:37:29 UTC
On Sat, 20 Jul 2013 16:56:04 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
Post by The Peeler
athletes participating in a certain event would be chosen not based on their
skills, but according to their race – let's say, Jews?
They only do that because they can't compete against humans.
LMAO!!! What a perfect case of PUREST projection on your part again, you
subhuman psychopathic non-achiever! LOL
In fact, you have been doing nothing but PROJECT over those SEVENTEEN YEARS
that you've been "living" on Usenet, you sick subnormal perverted
psychopathic swine!
The top 5 truths about our resident psychopath::

the poor swine can't SLEEP anymore,
it can't FUCK anymore,
it can't get out of the house anymore,
it got NOBODY to talk to anymore,
it got no life outside Usenet AT ALL, anymore!
The Peeler
2013-07-21 11:37:52 UTC
On Sat, 20 Jul 2013 16:54:56 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
Well?? Did heinrich finally manage to marry off the
poor, 'tarded critter? Or is there no Somali
immigrant *that* desperate?
Seems not! LOL
Dumb Heini will NOT be pleased to hear that, The Rectum! <BG>
Greek him, The Dutch anus! <GB>
Well, Dumb Heini will be PLEASED to hear THAT, The Rectum! LOL!!!
Retarded, anal, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident
psychopath, The Retard (aka "The Rectum").
The Peeler
2013-07-22 18:20:09 UTC
On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 13:37:52 +0200, The Peeler
Dumb NEMO will NOT be pleased to hear that, The Rectum! <BG>
Greek him, The Grik anus! <GB>
Well, Dumb NEMO will be PLEASED to hear THAT, The Rectum! LOL!!!
I bet, he WILL anus! Bend, over pendejo! LOL1111
The Peeler
2013-07-21 20:23:53 UTC
On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 12:55:24 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
Well, we can see that you can't do differently, psychopath! It's in your
degenerate GENES! <BG>
It, IS anus! <GB>
So, you know it yourself! Fucking hilarious! LOL
Hysterical innit anus! LOL
Just like your entire abnormal "life"! INDEED! LOL!
Absolutely! <BG>
bozo pointing out The Rectum's misery:
"you poor dumb fuck ... you're so lonely and forlorn you have to come
here to get pissed on for company"
MID: <1986e6fd-1bae-4d49-a985-***@14g2000vbr.googlegroups.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-21 22:34:04 UTC
On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 15:19:16 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
Israeli soldiers had a “fun” time making what they called “Rachel Corrie
Sick jew fucks!
<tsk> [sic]
You don't have the SLIGHT feeling that you are PROJECTING again, you sick
Serbian fuck? LMAO!
Apparently I, DON'T Serb anus that I am!
Apparently, you are too retarded, The Rectum! <BG>
P-Dub about The Rectum:
"The REVD doesn't have to be neutered. He already has no balls. No job.
No skills. No friends. No woman AND no balls. No wonder he's such a
'pleasant' fellow."
MID: <RWvet.2816$***@newsfe16.iad>
The Peeler
2013-07-22 01:42:26 UTC
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 00:34:04 +0200, The Peeler
Post by The Peeler
On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 15:19:16 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
Israeli soldiers had a “fun” time making what they called “Rachel Corrie
Sick jew fucks!
<tsk> [sic]
I don't, have the SLIGHT, feeling that you, might be, referring to me, a sick
Grik fuck? LMAO!
Apparently you DON'T Grik anus!
Apparently, I am, too retarded, The Rectum! <BG>
Seems! <GB>
The Peeler
2013-07-22 09:54:38 UTC
On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 18:42:26 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
Post by The Peeler
Post by The Peeler
You don't have the SLIGHT feeling that you are PROJECTING again, you sick
Serbian fuck? LMAO!
Apparently I, DON'T Serb anus that I am!
Apparently, you are too retarded, The Rectum! <BG>
Seems! <GB>
HAHAHAHAHAAAAA...!!!! It not only "seems" so, my bleeding punching bag! LOL
bozo about "The Rectum":
"you're so fucked up you give even nazis a bad name"
MID: <ce44f190-f534-4091-9cb3-***@m9g2000pby.googlegroups.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-22 09:57:11 UTC
On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 18:14:12 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
<FLUSH yet another idiotic copy & paste troll>
Do you still refuse to believe that all the people here have seen through
you, you twisted bigoted Nazi-cock sucking Croatian cockroach? Must be a
Slav thing! LOL
MUST anus! LOL
Yeah, it obviously has to do with the typical Slav peasant "mind" that you
and your Croatian whore keep displaying here. <BG>
tomcov about "The Rectum":
"Assholes come
Assholes go
But the revd asshole goes on forever.
(and he speaks through it)"
MID: <83356bf8-8666-4f4f-ac9a-***@n35g2000yqf.googlegroups.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-22 10:01:35 UTC
On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 15:50:52 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
He'd be better off taking the time to learn English finally already,
B'ruce! Greek isn't much use in the rest of the Arab world!
You two pussies don't seem to like that guy AT ALL! I wonder what he did to
both of you! Shall I talk to him about your pain? LMAO!
Do, that my master! It'll help! LOL
Are you sure, poor bleeding sod? LMAO!
tomcov about "The Rectum":
"Assholes come
Assholes go
But the revd asshole goes on forever.
(and he speaks through it)"
MID: <83356bf8-8666-4f4f-ac9a-***@n35g2000yqf.googlegroups.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-22 17:44:29 UTC
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 08:03:36 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Gosh [sic]! He got [sic] no friends on these groups since NEMO was
expelled to 'Israel' innit [sic] and Grikboxer died from a ruptured
rectum incurred during greeking!! It's a hoot [sic]! <GB> [sic]
LOL!!! I LAUGH at all your futile attempts, my favourite punching bag!

I told you already: there is NO way out of this for you! LOL

Your eternal amused master

The Peeler
tomcov about "The Rectum":
"Assholes come
Assholes go
But the revd asshole goes on forever.
(and he speaks through it)"
MID: <83356bf8-8666-4f4f-ac9a-***@n35g2000yqf.googlegroups.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-22 18:51:08 UTC
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:30:36 -0700, The Rectum, the housebound resident
psychopath of sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his
That's exactly what they are, B'ruce. They carry handbags, for fuck's
sake! Rules No. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 say "No Poofters".
They carry handbags? Can you elaborate on that Reverend B'ruce? I am
not sure I am familiar with that.
'Europeans' of African descent such as Eye-talians and Griks carry
their personal effects in these little purses, about the same size as
ladies' handbags, typically made of leather with a shoulder strap, so
as to avoid unnecessary and unsightly pocket bulges! Poofs!
<tsk> [sic]
Sorry, The Rectum, but it's YOU and your Croatian whore that come across as
the constantly gossiping poofters here! LOL
It, IS anus! Good you, can see it innit! LOL
Well, EVERYONE can see it, you two ridiculous poofters! LOL
The Rectum about himself:
"And you just wish someone, anyone, anything would cornhole you!"
The Peeler
2013-07-22 21:08:40 UTC
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:27:55 -0700, The Rectum, the housebound resident
psychopath of sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his
They carry handbags? Can you elaborate on that Reverend B'ruce? I am
not sure I am familiar with that.
You are right to ask him, Stupid DoDo! Rest assured that your Serbian
shirtlifter knows ALL the tiniest details! You're gonna learn a LOT from him
in that regard, you disgusting Nazi-cock sucker!
Innit! YUK! LOL
Stupid DoDo can only profit from your psychopathic "wisdom", innit,
psychopath? LMAO!
Some of our resident psychopath's wisdom:
"You can't 'holocaust'®™ someone by tweeting them! Conventional
methods have to be used innit!"
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
"There was a "dirty protest" at a prison here in Norn Iron some years
ago, B'ruce. The inmates stopped washing and smeared themselves and
their cells with shite."
MID: <***@4ax.com>
"Smell? Most necrophilia is carried out on bodies that are either
freshly deceased or embalmed and refrigerated."
MID: <***@4ax.com>
"If you or I tried to fuck a cow, do you think the cow would even notice? It
should not only be legal but acceptable as a legitimate alternative
The Peeler
2013-07-22 21:12:50 UTC
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:29:56 -0700, The Rectum, the housebound resident
psychopath of sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his
LOL, another sodomized asshole.
These semites stick up for each other (literally), B'ruce.
They do seem like a bunch of whiney poofters, Reverend B'ruce.
You and The Rectum certainly do seem like a bunch of whiney poofters, you
disgusting Nazi-cocksucking whore from Croatia! LOL
Seems! LOL
No buts about it, you two sick Yugo whores! LOL
Michael analyzing "The Rectum":
" Apparently, you can only relate to other people by fantasizing about
rectum sucking."
MID: <ae4fb23f-2205-4ed2-960f-***@la7g2000pbc.googlegroups.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-22 21:16:11 UTC
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:36:27 -0700, The Rectum, the housebound resident
psychopath of sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his
of borders between Israel and Palestine. And even though negotiations
have not begun yet, the date of '1967' would mean that all the land
taken by Israel since that date could become Palestinian land again.
Finally! Innit! <GB>
Or perhaps not, The Rectum? <BG>
happy zombie about The Rectum:
"i always wondered what would happen if somone with an iq well under 100
posted to usenet. now i know."
MID: <***@4ax.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-22 22:04:45 UTC
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:51:13 -0700, The Rectum, the housebound resident
psychopath of sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his
It certainly looks like it, you hilarious handicapped loser! LMAO!
It, DOES anus! LMAO6
You ARE one hilarious handicapped loser, psycho! LMAO!
I, AM one innit! LMAO5
Who'd disagree with it, psycho! <BG>
Nobody, would anus! <GB>
Yep, it's blatantly obvious! LOL
It, IS anus! LOL
That's what I said, poor psycho.
That's, what I heard anus!
Good for you, you hilarious handicapped loser! LOL
P-Dub about The Rectum:
"The REVD doesn't have to be neutered. He already has no balls. No job.
No skills. No friends. No woman AND no balls. No wonder he's such a
'pleasant' fellow."
MID: <RWvet.2816$***@newsfe16.iad>
The Peeler
2013-07-22 22:10:34 UTC
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 15:08:05 -0700, The Rectum, the housebound resident
psychopath of sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his
So, what do you ever do but PROJECT and make a complete ass of yourself in
public around the clock, eh, poor retard? <BG>
Good, question anus! What's, the answer? <GB>
That's so easy to answer: "NOTHING"! Right, poor psycho? LMAO!
I could, have told, YOU that anus! LMAP3
Right! And it fits in with you being a NITHING, you zero! <BG>
sully to our resident psychopath (aka "The Rectum"):
"frankly you're a dingleberry on usenet's ass"
MID: <be3854ef-b0ea-4bfa-b002-***@g5g2000pbp.googlegroups.com>