2005-12-22 12:30:27 UTC
At least I don't speak it when others in the room do not understand.
This is a typical english garbage thinking.You don't speak it, because you're too ignorant to even learn another
language. This is why most unilingual anglosaxons retards are seen as
bigots all over the world.
19 non-english speaking persons are in a room, One anglo is present.
So, by your asshole anglo assumption, everyone should speak english
because someone in the room does not understand.
This is precisely why Québec is dumping canada. You're too stupid to
make an effort.
That is the trouble with all you "FRENCHMEN" you have absolutely no
manners and you are selfish as hell.
Your ANGLO-SAXON arrogance, infatuation, selfishness and unilinguismmanners and you are selfish as hell.
are the standard for bad manners around the world. How dare you point
your dirty finger towards anyone? Is there anything at all that you
anglosaxon morons understand and do not violate?
You just proved it.
What I proved is that you are a perfect ass... a typical canadianwasp, and a piece of shit.
As for being an ass...
An ass, and an asshole.I guess the truth really does hurt you doesn't it?
Yes, the truth about you people insults human intelligence... It'sactually repulsive.
It hurts so damn bad you have to resort to name calling.
You haven't heard half of it, you stupid fuck. An asshole like youneeds to be called an asshole.
Another French trait.
Ah yes... of course, you needed to add that one to feel good aboutyourself, didn't you. You wasp piece of shit.
It's a fact! Faggotry and other forms of sexual deviance are more common in
Why do you conceal your zoophile tendencies? Are you ashamed of yourQuebec.
So is marriage breakdown, child abuse and anything else repugnant,
including corruption.
Try being more discreet next time, we don't really care for waves ofincluding corruption.
BC redneck tourists.
Why are you hushing your gang related murders and your serial killers,
conjugal violence, your bigotry and your love affair with hogs?
The Quebec economy isn't capable of independence.
Tell the world what YOUR canada is independant of? What about your BCeconomy?
Perhaps you should lick the shit off your crystal ball cuz you're only
convincing everyone that you're the village idiot, except for other
wasp turds like yourself.