Stupid DoDo in Bed with The Rectum, AGAIN! LOL
(too old to reply)
The Peeler
2013-07-20 10:40:51 UTC
On Fri, 19 Jul 2013 22:14:47 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
In the summer roughly 600,000 British tourists flock to Turkey’s party
Alcohol-fuelled punch-ups have become a nightly occurrence
Locals are often offended by tourists there for sun, sand and cheap booze
They're offended? Greek 'em! LOL
Is that all, The Rectum? Don't you think that Dumb Heini is offended when
you put him on the back burner every time Stupid DoDo returns to suck your
cock! You can't get away with it that easily, you disloyal bitch!
Our resident psychopath, "The Rectum", addressing his Croatian lover, Stupid
"We're always, greeking each, other in the anus, innit!"
MID: <***@4ax.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-20 20:51:41 UTC
On Sat, 20 Jul 2013 15:34:09 -0500, Stupid DoDo, now posting as Michael
That's one of the reasons, B'ruce. The other is the mental conflict
involved in Arabs pretending to be Europeans.
And in his case, he has to pretend that he is not getting sodomized every
night, Reverend B'ruce.
You do not even TRY to pretend that you are The Rectum's whore, eh, you
disgusting twisted Croatian cockroach? LOL
Our resident psychopath, "The Rectum", addressing his Croatian lover, Stupid
"We're always, greeking each, other in the anus, innit!"
MID: <***@4ax.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-21 19:42:10 UTC
On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 12:30:04 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
Post by The Peeler
That's one of the reasons, B'ruce. The other is the mental conflict
involved in Arabs pretending to be Europeans.
And in his case, he has to pretend that he is not getting sodomized every
night, Reverend B'ruce.
You do not even TRY to pretend that you are The Rectum's whore, eh, you
disgusting twisted Croatian cockroach? LOL
Such innit The Grik anus! LOL
Must be a Croatian thing, Serb pig! <BG>
Gray Guest about The Rectum: "You are a subhuman. You should not be
permitted to propagate your genes."
MID: <***@>
The Peeler
2013-07-21 22:25:03 UTC
On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 15:15:46 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
VERY! He won't let you sniff his shit-smeared toilet paper for a few days,
The Rectum! <G>
Won't, he The Grik anus? <B>
Why, did he let you do it already again, you shit-sniffing psycho? <BG>
You, tell US The Grik anus! <GB>
Don't be shy, The Rectum: did Dumb Heini forgive you already and let you
sniff his arse again, The Rectum? LOL
DID, he The Grik anus? YUMMY! LOL
You sound like he did, The Rectum! <BG>
I, DO The Grik anus! <GB>
Hilarious! INNIT!!!!!
You and your abnormal "life" here certainly ARE! <BG>
They, ARE anus! <GB>
So, you know it YOURSELF; you hilarious abnormal psycho! LMAO !!!
So, what are you going to do about it, you hilarious fucked up loser? LMAO!
So there's, NOTHING I, CAN do innit my master! LMAO2
Definitely NOTHING, poor psycho! LOL
Retarded, anal, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident
psychopath, The Retard (aka "The Rectum").
The Peeler
2013-07-22 09:52:06 UTC
On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 18:04:35 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
Every day, in every way, Americans are getting along really well. Race
problems are not that big of a deal. I know, I know: some of you are going
nuts over my statement. But it is true. Blacks and whites are working,
playing, and having babies together.
Having babies together??? Isn't that illegal, B'ruce?
What makes you thinks so, The Rectum? Your psychopathic Slav "mind"? <BG>
Seems! <GB>
DEFINITELY, you poor psychopathic Slav! <G>
bozo pointing out The Rectum's misery:
"you poor dumb fuck ... you're so lonely and forlorn you have to come
here to get pissed on for company"
MID: <1986e6fd-1bae-4d49-a985-***@14g2000vbr.googlegroups.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-22 09:56:46 UTC
On Sun, 21 Jul 2013 18:15:20 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
<snip the Croatian cockroach's usual copy & paste troll>
Luka, you need mental healing, definitely! <BG>
I, DO too! AND English lessons innit definitely! <GB>
Of course, YOU need both, too!!! How could I have forgotten about it, poor
little idiot! <pat> <pat>

Retarded, anal, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident
psychopath, The Retard (aka "The Rectum").
The Peeler
2013-07-22 18:45:37 UTC
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 11:38:22 -0700, The Rectum, the housebound resident
psychopath of sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his
how are you doing you illiterate piece of garbage ? still busy sucking jew
rectums all day long ?
He's still looking for his foreskin.
Looks more like YOU keep looking for people's foreskins, The Rectum! <BG>
Looks! If I only could look inside my arse, I might find them there! <GB>
You're SICK!
I, AM and besides, I haven't been out of the house ALL DAY LONG, AGAIN!
We KNOW, poor housebound loser! LOL
The top 5 truths about our colostomy bag wearing resident psychopath, aka
"The Rectum":

the desperate psycho can't SLEEP anymore,
he can't get out of the house anymore,
he got NOBODY to talk to anymore,
he can't FUCK anymore,
he got no life outside Usenet AT ALL!
The Peeler
2013-07-22 19:02:13 UTC
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 06:24:08 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
And in his case, he has to pretend that he is not getting sodomized every
night, Reverend B'ruce.
A clear case of self-delusion on your part, B'ruce. He KNOWS you get rogered by me
royally and regularly!
Indeed! We can SEE it! LOL
Innit! We, CAN! LOL
...and you are proud of it, right, The Rectum? LOL
Everyone having Endless Fun with our ANAL and MENTALLY RETARDED Sexual
Cripple, aka "The Rectum" on these Groups! LOL
You can bet on it! LMAO!
tomcov about "The Rectum":
"Assholes come
Assholes go
But the revd asshole goes on forever.
(and he speaks through it)"
MID: <83356bf8-8666-4f4f-ac9a-***@n35g2000yqf.googlegroups.com>
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