William Black
2006-01-11 20:19:59 UTC
<headers snipped because Hines is a shit>
No, that is a half-truth used to propagate a falsehood. Any person who
attempts to change or otherwise influence domestic or foreign
governmental policy by participating in the use of hostile armed force,
sabotage, espionage, or other relevant hostile activities is perforce a
combatant, legal or illegal, in a public war.
So Al Capone and Co could be attacked by soldiers?
be attacked almost anywhere, with exceptions for some few special
circumstances, other than the territories of neutral states.
Well as there's no declared war anywhere at the moment, so everyone's a
hostile acts such as armed force, sabotage, and espionage for the
purpose of changing the domestic and/or foreign policies of the
government by force and armed intimidation.
So next week the US Marines are attacking South Central Los Angeles...
support of
Anglo-American law or legal precedent for such a claim. Terrorists are
by definition persons who are attempting to change governmental policy
by the use of armed force, sabotage, and espionage against the
government and against the non-combatants being used as hostages in acts
of intimidation against a government.
Again we're back at gangsters...
Terrorists are by definition
constituted tribunal.
A government may treat a lawful
convicted of a crime...
belligerant acts against persons and communities who are committing
belligerant acts of hostility against the government.
War on the border crossers next then...
Some of them take the odd shot at a border guard now and again...
I love it. One of the moon-bats appealing to the UN as an authority for
Dallas is absolutely right. The trouble with Ray O'Hara and the rest of
theBush haters is that they will simply not admit that we are involved in a
If it's a war then the people you attack are soldiers.war.
attempts to change or otherwise influence domestic or foreign
governmental policy by participating in the use of hostile armed force,
sabotage, espionage, or other relevant hostile activities is perforce a
combatant, legal or illegal, in a public war.
You can't drop bombs on suspected terrorists in civilian clothes and
it's a legitimate military action.
That is a false statement. Combatants of any kind, legal or illegal, maybe attacked almost anywhere, with exceptions for some few special
circumstances, other than the territories of neutral states.
If you're fighting a war you need an enemy.
The enemy are any and all persons engaging in, aiding, or abettinghostile acts such as armed force, sabotage, and espionage for the
purpose of changing the domestic and/or foreign policies of the
government by force and armed intimidation.
Terrorists are criminals. While you may need soldiers to act 'in
the civil power' it's a civil matter and the criminals caught should be
tried and, if convicted, put in jail.
No, it is not, and it never has been so. There is no basis intried and, if convicted, put in jail.
Anglo-American law or legal precedent for such a claim. Terrorists are
by definition persons who are attempting to change governmental policy
by the use of armed force, sabotage, and espionage against the
government and against the non-combatants being used as hostages in acts
of intimidation against a government.
Terrorists are by definition
combatants and/or unlawful combatants.
The status 'unlawful combatant' can only be decided by a properlyconstituted tribunal.
A government may treat a lawful
combatant as a criminal only when the combatant has committed a war
crime or when the combatant has committed a civil crime, as described by
the Law of Armed Conflict and the Conventions. A government may also at
its own option treat an unlawful combatant as a criminal when the
unlawful combatant has committed a war crime or when the combatant has
committed a civil crime, as described by the Law of Armed Conflict and
the Conventions. Lawful and unlawful combatants may be prosecuted for
violations of civil criminal laws or not at the option of the detaining
Power. Lawful and unlawful combatants are by definition lawful objects
of belligerant acts.
So you accept that their status is of PoW until such time as they arecrime or when the combatant has committed a civil crime, as described by
the Law of Armed Conflict and the Conventions. A government may also at
its own option treat an unlawful combatant as a criminal when the
unlawful combatant has committed a war crime or when the combatant has
committed a civil crime, as described by the Law of Armed Conflict and
the Conventions. Lawful and unlawful combatants may be prosecuted for
violations of civil criminal laws or not at the option of the detaining
Power. Lawful and unlawful combatants are by definition lawful objects
of belligerant acts.
convicted of a crime...
The idea of a 'war on terror' is as daft as 'the war on drugs', and
to be about as effective.
What is "daft" is your bizarre idea that a government cannot engage inbelligerant acts against persons and communities who are committing
belligerant acts of hostility against the government.
Some of them take the odd shot at a border guard now and again...
Because 'terror' is used by just about every country in the world to
its objectives. You can't ban a tactic...
The United Nations did so, so you are obviously making another falsestatement.
William Black
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.
William Black
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.