China says Japan should learn from Germany...
(too old to reply)
2005-11-16 18:05:27 UTC
China says Japan should cease respecting its war dead as war
heroes, same way as Germany does not enshrine Adolf Hitler and
the Nazis as war heroes to the Fatherland.....

Is this good logic or what?
2005-11-16 23:22:09 UTC
On Thu, 17 Nov 2005 02:05:27 +0800, AleXX <***@bigdeal.com> wrote:

Holly cow posted to so many ngs,
I have to trim to post this. Trolling? :-)
Post by AleXX
China says Japan should cease respecting its war dead as war
heroes, same way as Germany does not enshrine Adolf Hitler and
the Nazis as war heroes to the Fatherland.....
Is this good logic or what?