2015-07-12 16:15:18 UTC
On 7/12/2015 7:32 AM, Colon Edmud Jackass Burchese of Ladyboise, Idaho
soon attract the attentions of the Illiterate Grik Foreskin Peeler! LOLOK
Jared Fogle’s problems just got a foot longer! He has been cut from the
movie Sharknado 3. The former subway spokesperson’s cameo scene which
was already shot, has been chopped on the cutting room floor and will
not make the airing on July 22.
Gosh Coloon...that DOES sound a little 'anti-semitic'®™ innit! You'llmovie Sharknado 3. The former subway spokesperson’s cameo scene which
was already shot, has been chopped on the cutting room floor and will
not make the airing on July 22.
soon attract the attentions of the Illiterate Grik Foreskin Peeler! LOLOK