Everyone having Endless Fun with our ANAL and MENTALLY RETARDED Sexual Cripple, aka "The Rectum" on these Groups! LOL
(too old to reply)
The Peeler
2013-07-18 19:36:17 UTC
On Thu, 18 Jul 2013 12:08:22 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Hey, piece-of-shit psycho! Pull your colostomy bag over your head and
suffocate in your own shit! LOL
You bet! YUP! LOL
You'll LOVE it, you piece-of-shit psycho! <BG>
I, WILL anus! I, AM! Innit! <GB>
Well, what's holding you back, piece-of-shit psycho? <BG>
Well you, tell US innit The Grik anus! <GB>
Could it be, you cling to your shitty abnormal life, you piece of shit
psycho? <BG>
COULD The Grik anus! <GB>
Do you, you abnormal psycho? Don't you have ANY class at all? <BG>
Gray Guest about The Rectum: "You are a subhuman. You should not be
permitted to propagate your genes."
MID: <***@>
The Peeler
2013-07-18 20:28:56 UTC
On Thu, 18 Jul 2013 13:19:57 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Well, you worthless, genitally mutilated, lobotomised, jew piece of
Why should he? HE's not the one who cowardly keeps instigating against
people like you bigmouthed COWARDS keep doing simply because you can hide
behind the anonymity the Net provides!
Innit exactly The Grik anus! LOL
That's how it is, you bigmouthed COWARD! <BG>
That's, EXACTLY how it, IS hypocritical Serbian anus that I am! Hiding
behind anonymity! Good that everyone knows it already finally innit! <GB>
But, but, The Rectum ...you are FAMOUS for your COWARDICE! LOL
Bozo to "The Rectum":
We've become your parents, huh, and just like your mother and father, we
just want to get rid of you too.
MID: <1348ae93-66a0-4a42-9cab-***@googlegroups.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-19 10:04:20 UTC
On Thu, 18 Jul 2013 18:11:21 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his master, The
The G-d of Israel haShit is His Name will again bring about a major
catastrophe that will cause all niggers and all those who condone the
nigger way of life to perish.
IMPRESSIVE ...your incurable psychosis! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA...!!!
Retarded, anal, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident
psychopath, The Retard (aka "The Rectum").
The Peeler
2013-07-22 20:59:05 UTC
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:20:53 -0700, The Rectum, the housebound resident
psychopath of sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his
Only one solution for you schizoboy: the padded cell! LOL
Seems! LOL
Fer sure, little idiot! <BG>
FER??????? What, the fuck? Fer fuck's sake learn, the English
proper! <GB>
<BG> Your illiterate Serbian peasant "mind" overtaxed again, Serb pig?
<GB> Seems!
It "seems" it says, the stupid psychotic thing! LMAO!
Bozo describing "The Rectum":
"Even when you spoof Peeler, i can always tell it's you by your hen scratch,
Revd, aka goran radavich, the serbian crippled war criminal rat dog and
troll who haunts Jewish newsgroups and web sites because he admires Jews and
Greeks and can't stand his own inferiority."
MID: <1348ae93-66a0-4a42-9cab-***@googlegroups.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-22 21:04:00 UTC
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:16:53 -0700, The Rectum, the housebound resident
psychopath of sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his
...is exactly what
Innit [sic]! LOL
You did feel personally addressed again when "Nazi cocksucker" was
mentioned, right, The Rectum? And RIGHTLY so! LOL!!!
Rightly innit so indeed anus! LOL1111
Very much so, poor psycho! LOL
happy zombie addressing The Rectum:
"you are fluent in talking complete shite."
MID: <***@4ax.com>
The Peeler
2013-07-23 11:23:38 UTC
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 16:11:02 -0700, The Rectum, the housebound resident
psychopath of sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his
Well, you worthless, genitally mutilated, lobotomised, jew piece of
Why should he? HE's not the one who cowardly keeps instigating against
people like you bigmouthed COWARDS keep doing simply because you can hide
behind the anonymity the Net provides!
Innit exactly The Grik anus! LOL
That's how it is, you bigmouthed COWARD! <BG>
Innit exactly so innit The Grik anus! <GB>
That's what I said, you bigmouth and COWARD! <BG>
That's what, I told, you anus! I got, no balls innit! <GB>
Right ...and no brain and no dick, you ridiculous dickless wonder! Too many
Where e.g. below anus? There's, nothing there innit! LOL
Retarded AND blind, The Rectum? Just how MANY handicaps do you suffer from,
you hilarious housebound sexual cripple? LOL
Of, COURSE not anus! LOL
Of COURSE you suffer from a huge number of handicaps, you miserable
housebound impotent cripple! You just can't hide it! <BG>
The top 5 truths about our colostomy bag wearing resident psychopath, aka
"The Rectum":

the desperate psycho can't SLEEP anymore,
he can't get out of the house anymore,
he got NOBODY to talk to anymore,
he can't FUCK anymore,
he got no life outside Usenet AT ALL!
The Peeler
2013-07-23 18:57:26 UTC
On Tue, 23 Jul 2013 10:36:30 -0700, The Rectum, the housebound resident
psychopath of sci and scj, FAKING his time zone again and IMPERSONATING his
You just can't stop it! LMAO!
We, CAN'T anus! LMAO3
You ARE that miserable! LOL
Seems! LOL
It's OBVIOUS, you miserable idiot and psycho! <BG>
It, IS anus! <GB>
No doubt about it, you misery incarnate! LOL
None what, so ever innit anus! LOL
Of course not, you misery incarnate! <BG>
Innit! <GB>
You can bet on it, poor psycho!
I, CAN anus!
You can't do much, but you can bet on it, my punching bag! LOL
Innit anus!
That's because you are a LOSER! You know it, I know it, EVERYONE knows it!
The top 5 truths about our colostomy bag wearing resident psychopath, aka
"The Rectum":

the desperate psycho can't SLEEP anymore,
he can't get out of the house anymore,
he got NOBODY to talk to anymore,
he can't FUCK anymore,
he got no life outside Usenet AT ALL!
The Peeler
2013-07-24 19:36:54 UTC
On Wed, 24 Jul 2013 12:22:05 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Jews in the photo with their Nazi hunting dogs have posted WANTED posters
for Nazi's throughout Germany. They are also offering rewards.
This is like a witch hunt. And what is worse Germany's Merkel is allowing
this travesty in her own country?
Hitler would never allow his people to be hunted down with dogs by jewish
ROTFLOL!!!! Jews with "Nazi hunting dogs", you sick Dutch idiot? Where did
you pick up that shit again? LMAO!!!
Seems! LMAP3
"Seems", it says, the poor retarded psychotic thing! LMAO!
happy zombie about The Rectum:
"i always wondered what would happen if somone with an iq well under 100
posted to usenet. now i know."
MID: <***@4ax.com>